Privacy policy for site users

§ 1


  1. The administrator of your personal data is Dariusz Król conducting business under the firm PHU ADK DARIUSZ KRÓL, 58 Kopernika St., 05-501 Piaseczno, 
    NIP: NIP: 1231205872, REGON: 385637130, hereinafter referred to as ?PHU ADK? Contact 
    on data protection is possible at e-mail:
  2. This document sets forth the rules for the processing of personal data that PHU ADK obtains from users. PHU ADK asks you to read this document carefully in order to assimilate the policies and procedures regarding data and data processing

§ 2


PHU ADK has not appointed a Data Protection Officer. For issues concerning your personal data, please contact PHU ADK directly.

§ 3


  1. In order to enable you to use the services of the website, called 
    hereinafter ?royalrabbits? PHU ADK processes your personal data ? for the purposes indicated below. We provide them below, together with an indication of the legal basis for the processing of your personal data.
  2. For the purpose of receiving inquiries and responding to them, we process your personal data in the form of name, phone number and email address. In this regard, the processing has its basis in Article 6(1)(a) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (hereinafter: RODO), which allows us to process personal data if you have given your consent.
  3. For the purpose of marketing and remarketing, we process data collected by tools that allow us to track the actions you have taken while using the site, and these are:
  4. Facebook Pixel,
  5. Google Ads

In this regard, the processing has its basis in Article 6(1)(a) of the RODO, which allows the processing of personal data where you have given your consent.

  • For the purpose of sending newsletters (messages containing commercial information), we process personal data in the form of your e-mail address. The basis for such data processing, is Article 6(1)(a) of the RODO, which allows us to process personal data, if you have given your consent.

§ 4


  1. Royalrabbits uses ?cookies?, which is short text information that is stored on your computer, phone, tablet, or other device. Similar actions are used by most functioning websites. They can be read by the PHU ADK system, as well as systems belonging to other entities, 
    that we use, which are Google (more on § 5) and Facebook (more on § 6).
  2. The information collected in ?cookies? pertains to your IP address, type of browser used, language used, type of operating system, ISP, time and date information, location, as well as information sent to the site via the contact form.
  3. The ?cookies? perform various functions on the website. Examples of them PHU ADK lists below:
  4. improving the efficiency of the use of the website ? thanks to ?cookies? royalrabbits works more efficiently and makes it easier to use the features of the royalrabbits website, and this is done by remembering your settings between visits to the site. It also makes it easier for you to navigate between different sub-sites;
  5. session status ? The ?cookies? files store information about your use of the royalrabbits website. They may also pertain to the most frequently visited subpages. They also make it possible to identify errors displayed on them. In this way, they contribute to your browsing experience;
  6. creation of statistics ? thanks to ?cookies? it is possible to make an analysis of how you use the royalrabbits website. This facilitates the work on personalization of the website. We use Google Ads (§ 5) and Facebook Pixel (§ 6) tools to monitor the site and create statistics;
  7. use of social features ? ?cookies? allow you to like our fanpage on this portal directly from the royalrabbits website.
  8. PHU ADK informs you that many of the ?cookies? are anonymized ? PHU ADK is not able to determine your identity from them without having additional data.
  9. Your web browser probably allows the use of ?cookies? by default on your device. For this reason, the first time you visit 
    on the site, please agree to the use of ?cookies? In case you do not wish to use cookies while using royalrabbits website, please change your browser settings. This may involve blocking these files completely or requesting notification each time such files are stored on your device. These settings can be changed at any time.
  10. Disabling or restricting the use of ?cookies? may cause inconvenience when using the royalrabbits website. This may consist, among other things, in the necessity to log in each time, or the inability to like our fanpage on Facebook or Instagram, directly from the position of the site.

§ 5


  1. Google Ads is a marketing tool provided by Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA.
  2. Using Google Ads, PHU ADK promotes royalrabbits in search results, as well as on third-party sites. PHU ADK also uses marketing tools. Activities in the above regard are carried out based on legitimate legal interest 
    in the form of marketing their own products or services.
  3. Visiting the royalrabbits website automatically leaves a ?remarketing cookie? from Google, which, thanks to a pseudonymous identifier and a 
    based on the pages visited, allows interest-based ads to be displayed.
  4. Further processing of data based on Google Ads occurs only if you have given your consent to Google to link your browsing history and application usage with your account and to use information from your Google account to personalize the ads that are displayed on the websites.
  5. If, in your case, you are logged in when visiting the royalrabbits website on the Google platform, Google will then use your data together 
    with Google Ads data, in order to create and define target group lists for remarketing purposes on various devices. For this purpose, Goole temporarily combines your personal data with Goole Ads data to create targeting groups.
  6. Google LLC is headquartered in the United States and uses technical infrastructure located in the U.S. Hence, Google has joined the EU-US-Privasy Shield program to ensure an adequate level of protection of personal data as required by EU law (RODO).
  7. PHU ADK reports that the European Commission has found, an adequate level of data protection for companies with Privacy Shield certification (e.g. Google).
  8. It is possible for you to deactivate the ?cookies? used for remarketing within the settings of your Google account at the following address
  9. If you are interested in more information about the processing of data within Google Ads, at You will get answers to all your questions.

§ 6


  1. Facebook Pixel is a marketing tool provided by Facebook Inc., 1601 S. California Ave. Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA.
  2. With the help of Facebook Pixel, PHU ADK is targeting you with advertisements related to 
    with royalrabbits on Facebook. The above activities are carried out based on legitimate legal interest in the form of marketing our own products or services.
  3. For marketing purposes, the royalrabbits website uses the Facebook Pixel, through which PHU ADK collects information about your use of the royalrabbits website, 
    In terms of the pages viewed. The data collected in this way, is transferred to Facebook's servers in the USA and then stored there.
  4. The information collected by Facebook Pixel includes the subpages you view within royalrabbits; transitions between different subpages within the site; the source from which you navigate to our site; the time you spend on the site and its subpages; and your age range, 
    where you are located; your gender; your interests as determined by your online activities; your approximate location limited to towns.
  5. The data collected using the Facebook Pixel and described in paragraph 3 is anonymous; nevertheless, Facebook may combine the collected information with other data about you that it has collected as part of your use of Facebook to then use for its own purposes (including marketing).
  6. Facebook activities described in § 6.4 are not dependent on PHU ADK. 
  7. Facebook Inc. is headquartered in the United States and uses technical infrastructure located in the U.S., hence Facebook has joined the EU-US-Privasy Shield program to ensure an adequate level of personal data protection as required by EU law (RODO).
  8. PHU ADK reports that the European Commission has found, an adequate level of data protection for companies with Privacy Shield certification (e.g. Facebook).
  9. If you are interested in more details about Facebook's data processing, at You will get answers to all your questions.

§ 7


  1. Having regard to the content of Article 13(2)(f) of the RODO, PHU ADK informs you that you are subject to profiling.
  2. As profiling, Article 4(4) of the RODO defines, any form of automated processing of personal data that involves the use of personal data to evaluate certain personal factors of an individual, in particular to analyze or forecast aspects of that individual's performance, economic situation, health, personal preferences, interests, reliability, behavior, location or movement.
  3. PHU ADK informs you that the profiling referred to in paragraph 2 is for marketing purposes only, which are used to provide you with a more individualized offer that is more likely to be of interest to you.
  4. The individualized offer referred to in paragraph 3 may concern, in particular, the presentation of general advertisements, offers, or discounts on products or services of PHU ADK tailored to your preferences.
  5. You have the right to object at any time to the processing of data concerning you based on the premise of necessity for purposes arising from the legitimate interests pursued by PHU ADK, including in particular to processing for marketing purposes, including profiling.

§ 8


  1. The processing of personal data is based on your expressed consent, 
    It is possible to revoke it at any time.
  2. Withdrawal of consent can be done in one of the following ways:
  3. sending an e-mail directly to PHU ADK at the following address
  4. Send a statement on withdrawal of consent to the address of PHU ADK.
  5. If the processing of your personal data was carried out on the basis of consent, its revocation does not render the processing of your personal data unlawful up to that point. In other words, until you revoke your consent, PHU ADK is entitled to process your personal data, and revoking your consent does not affect the legality of the previous processing.

§ 9


  1. The provision of any personal data by you is voluntary and at your discretion. However, there are situations in which the provision of personal data is a necessary condition for the use of royalrabbits.
  2. In order for me to receive the newsletter it is necessary for you to provide your e-mail address. Without this PHU ADK is not able to send commercial information about royalrabbits service.
  3. In order to send an inquiry and receive a reply to it, it is necessary for you to provide your e-mail address or telephone number. Without this PHU ADK is not able to respond to your inquiry.
  4. In order for you to be able to use the royalrabbits website without having to log in each time you navigate to subsequent pages and to have the ability to like the royalrabbits Facebook fanpage directly from the royalrabbits website, it is necessary for you to agree to the use of ?cookies?

§ 10


PHU ADK informs that it does not make automated decisions, including 
based on profiling.

§ 11


  1. Like most companies, PHU ADK uses other service providers in its operations. Sometimes this involves the transfer of your personal data. Accordingly, when necessary, we transfer your data to our business partners, and these are:


  • Circumstances may arise in the future that make it necessary or obligatory on the part of PHU ADK to transfer personal data. At present, PHU ADK is unable to predict in which situations this could occur. PHU ADK assures, however, that each such case will be carefully analyzed in order to eliminate the situation of providing data to an unauthorized person.

§ 12


PHU ADK informs you that your personal data is not transferred outside the European Economic Area.

§ 13


  1. Your data is processed only for the time necessary to achieve the designated purpose. After that, they will be irreversibly deleted.
  2. Regarding the specific periods of processing of personal data, we would like to kindly inform you that personal data are processed by PHU ADK until you revoke your consent ? with regard to the e-mail address processed for sending the newsletter. After the specified period, we may contact you to confirm your consent for further processing.
  3. We count the periods in years from the end of the year in which PHU ADK began processing personal data in order to streamline the process of deletion or destruction of personal data. 
    In the event that you exercise the so-called right to be forgotten, such situations are considered on a case-by-case basis.

§ 14


  1. PHU ADK informs you that it has your right to:
  2. Access to their personal data;
  3. rectification of personal data;
  4. deletion of personal data;
  5. limitation of personal data processing;
  6. Object to the processing of personal data;
  7. portability of personal data.
  8. PHU ADK respects your rights under data protection laws and will make every effort to facilitate the exercise of your rights.
  9. The listed rights are not absolute. There may be situations in which PHU ADK will be forced to refuse to exercise them or to propose a different solution than the one proposed by you. Your request may be denied only after careful consideration and only if it is necessary to ensure lawful action.
  10. At any time you have the right to object to the way your personal data is processed. However, you must keep in mind that, in accordance with the law, we may refuse to consider your objection if PHU ADK demonstrates that:
  11. there are legitimate grounds for processing that override your interests, rights and freedoms, or
  12. there are grounds for the establishment, investigation or defense of claims.
  13. At any time you have the right to object to the way your personal data is processed for marketing purposes. In such a situation, we will stop processing your data for such purposes.
  14. You may exercise your rights by:
  15. sending an e-mail directly to PHU ADK at the following address or
  16. sending the statement in writing to the address of PHU ADK.

§ 15


If you believe that your personal data is being processed in violation of applicable law, you may file a complaint with the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection.

§ 16


  1. To the extent not covered by this Privacy Policy, the data protection regulations shall apply.
  2. You will be notified of any changes made to this Privacy Policy by email, if provided by you. If you have not provided details that allow us to contact you, information about changes to the Privacy Policy will be available as follows:
  3. On the royalrabbits website;
  4. by requesting them to be sent to the following e-mail address
  5. This Privacy Policy is effective as of (01.11.2021).